About Us

About Us

     The Lazarus Foundation of Mississippi, Inc. is a faith-based, community-centered non-profit 501c3 corporation formed in the state of Mississippi to provide pre/post release, transitional, and religious serices to men and women exiting the MS Department of Corrections and transitioning to a life after incarceration. The Foundation and its subsidiaries act as a bridge allowing these individuals to become independent, productive citizens of their community.

     Whether most people realize it or not, post release programs and transitional housing is a pervasive part of our communities. From shelters offering a hot meal and a cot with nowhere to spend the day, to residential rehab facilities with extensive amenities.

     Men and women exiting the MDOC need transitional programs. Many are required, as a condition of their release, to use them.

     There just aren't enough. Not enough beds. Not enough programs. Not enough money.

     Bureau of Justice statistics state that over 2.2 million people are incarcerated in Federal and State prisons and local jails. This is significant because up to 95% of them will be released into the communities they were incarcerated from at some point. These individuals are reluctantly absorbed back in the communities and the cycle of recidivism often begins again.

     So, it becomes not a matter of if, but when and how they return and the impact it will have.

Who We Are

Our family-run business company has a long tradition in the industry. It was founded in 1982 by Joey Lord, who passed the business onto his son, Roberto, in 2005. We pride ourselves on providing outstanding customer service to order to guarantee that all of our clients are 100% satisfied.
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